Rediscover the moments you love.

Unforgettable memories brought to life. Seamless sharing. Personalized experiences. We make reliving the past effortless.

Verified Artist

A revolutionary shared album experience.

Continuous Timeline

Seamlessly connect your videos into one continuous journey with our Continuous Timeline. Relive every moment, uninterrupted and in order.

Angle Swapping

Switch perspectives effortlessly with Angle Swapping. Explore different angles with a simple swipe, bringing new dimensions to every memory.

Smart Buffering

Smart Buffering enhances your memory timeline using AI. Transporting you seamlessly to the most meaningful parts of your journey.

Photo Moments

Enrich your video timeline with vivid Photo Moments. Each snapshot adds a colorful, story-rich layer to your memory stream.

Transform your music library into music memories

Discover new music or listen to music you already love in an immersive experience like never before.

Want to have your music or artist profile featured Let's chat

Seamless Integrations for Immersive Experiences

Relive uses multiple integrations to give you an immersive music experience, wether it be with Shazam through track discovery, or using Apple Music or Spotify to save an island playlist to your devices.

Pro Tools

Available for Mac & PC.

Coming Soon
Freedom to use your editor

You have the freedom to use the tools and software you prefer by using Relive Sync with your device.

Auto-Sync or Manual Selection

Use our auto-sync feature to automatically sync or manually select the islands you want to sync.

24/7 chat support

Enjoy around-the-clock, lightning-fast chat support.

Secure data encryption

We have high standards for the security and privacy of your content.

Team collaboration

Seamlessly collaborate with your team members like never before